

Education Department

General University Hospital in Prague
Na Bojišti 1771/1
120 00 Prague 2

Prof. PhDr. Dagmar Škochová, MBA
Head of Education Department
+420 224 964 365
Bc. Ondřej Bauer
Specialist officer
+420 224 969 274
Johana Poustková
Specialist officer
+420 224 964 158

   Education Implementation Department according to 96/2004 Coll. and 201/2017 Coll. as amended

Prof. PhDr. Jana Endlicherová
Head of Department
+420 224 969 509
M.Sc. Petra Hajšmanová
Specialist officer
+420 224 969 293

   Contractual Relations Department

Mgr. Mikuláš Laub
Head of Department
+420 224 964 347
Milada Mikulcová
Specialist officer
+420 224 964 175
Katerina Staňková
Specialist officer
+420 224 964 106

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