Educational events

Specialization Education in Nursing in Psychiatry

Code: Nursing care in psychiatry
Description: Specialization education of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic

The condition for inclusion in specialized education in the field of Nursing Care in Psychiatry is the acquisition of professional competence to practice the profession of general nurse.

The training program includes a basic module and a professional module, with each module being completed by assessing the level of learning outcomes achieved.

Part of the specialization education can be completed by distance learning, eg by e-learning.


VFN accreditation scope:

Theoretical and practical part of the educational program.


Timetable for Educational Program:

Nursing care in psychiatry
Module Name Length Price
ZM The role of a specialist in the provision of health services 1 week, 40 hours CZK 4,500/Theory
OM 1 Introduction to nursing care in psychiatry

2 weeks, 80 hours

CZK 4,500/Theory

Practical excercises

2.5 days, 20 hours

NOK 2,250/exercise

Professional practice at an non-accredited workplace

2.5 days, 20 hours

Practice 450 CZK / day

OM 2

Psychosocial care

1 week, 40 hours

4 550, -CZK / Theory

Practical excercises 1.5 days, 10 hours

CZK 1,200/exercise

Professional practice at an non-accredited workplace

1 week, 40 hours

Practice 450 CZK / day

OM 3 Specialized nursing care in psychiatry

12.5 days, 100 hours

CZK 11,250/Theory


Practical excercises

5 days, 40 hours

CZK 4,500/exercise

Professional practice at an non-accredited workplace

1 week, 40 hours

Practice 450 CZK / day

Professional practice at an accredited workplace

2 weeks, 80 hours

Practice 450 CZK / day

OM 4 Community care 1 week, 40 hours

4 550, -CZK / Theory


Practical excercises

1.5 days, 10 hours

CZK 1,200/exercise

Professional practice in an non-accredited facility

1 week, 40 hours

Practice 450 CZK / day

Theoretical part and practical exercises of specialized education - price: CZK 42,900

VFN employee participation: 0, - CZK


Module dates in 2025:

September – October 2025 ZM1:  The role of a specialist in the provision of health services
14. 01. – 16. 01. 2025 OM1 – practical exercises: Practical excercises
10. 02. – 14. 02. 2025 OM2 – Part I: Psychosocial care
11. 03. – 12. 03. 2025 OM2 – practical exercises: Practical excercises
07. 04. – 11. 04. 2025 OM3 – Part I Specialized nursing care in psychiatry
12. 05. – 16. 05. 2025 OM3 – II. part: Specialized nursing care in psychiatry
10. 06. – 12. 06. 2025 OM3 – III. part: Specialized nursing care in psychiatry
06. 10. – 10. 10. 2025 OM3 – practical exercises: Practical excercises
03. 11. – 07. 11. 2025 OM4 – Part I: Community care
25. 11. – 26. 11. 2025 OM4 – practical exercises: Practical excercises



The theoretical part and the practical part take place in the premises of the Psychiatric Clinic of the General Teaching Hospital.


Prerequisites for passing the exam:


  • Completion of theoretical and practical training, including completion of the required professional experience in an accredited facility confirmed in the study card and fulfillment of the performance included in the training program confirmed by the assigned supervisor
  • occupation in the relevant field of specialized education for at least 1 year from a period of 6 years in the range of at least ½ set weekly working hours or at least 2 years in at least one fifth of the set weekly working hours by the date of enrollment for the attestation exam.


Study Guarantors:

Martin Anders, M.D., Ph.D.
Jan Ševčík Bc. Zuzana Fišarová, head nurse of psychiatric clinic VFN


Contact to sign up for:

Prof. PhDr. Jana Endlicherová, tel .: 22496 9509, e-mail: 

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