Educational events

Specifics of nursing care of the patient in the pronation position

Code: Specifics of nursing care for patients in pronation position
Description: Certified course of MZ ČR

The course is aimed at acquiring and deepening the knowledge and skills necessary for the care of patients in complicated high-risk conditions of lung failure. Emphasis in theoretical and practical teaching is placed on the ability of independent and team nursing care for patients with critical lung failure.
with secured airways.


Course Objective:

  • The aim of the certified course is theoretical and practical preparation for the care of critically ill patients with respiratory failure in the pronation and semipronation position. Graduates will get acquainted with the issue of preparing the patient for the pronation position and will master their own implementation of the pronation position, care for the patient in the pronation position and subsequent rotation to the supination position. Another partial goal is to acquaint participants with possible therapeutic procedures used in the treatment of severe respiratory failure.

Entry requirements:

  • the course is intended for general nurses and paramedics,
  • eligibility to pursue a medical profession without professional supervision.


Course Schedule:

Total length of the program: 3 days

  • Theoretical part - 12 hours
  • Practical part - 12 hours


Course dates in 2025:

21. – 23. 5. 2025



Theoretical and practical part of the course: Department of Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care Medicine, General Hospital, U Nemocnice 499/2, Prague 2


Termination method:

Upon successful completion of the course, the participant will receive a certificate from the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic.


Course price:

CZK 6,000

The participation of an employee of the General Teaching Hospital in Prague is 2,000 CZk


Expert guarantors:

Mgr. Zuzana Pražáková - theoretical part

Mgr. Romana Pucholtová - practical part



M.Sc. Petra Hajšmanová, phone: 22496 9293, e-mail:



You can apply for the course by completing the course application form.

Please send filled-in applications to:


M.Sc. Petra Hajšmanová
OV VFN in Prague
Na Bojišti 1 
120 00 Prague 2

or electronically to:

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