Outpatient Clinic

Outpatient´s department

The faculty polyclinic is open from Monday to Friday. The FP collection center is open from 6:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Other ambulances and centers are in operation according to operating hours or by appointment.

Building C2 (B) - main entrance from Charles Square

6th floor Hospital Pharmacy - Odd. preparation of cytostatics | Oncology

5th Floor

Institute of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory DiagnosticsThrombotic Center - Laboratory | Central hematology laboratories

4th Floor
Gynecology – Physiotherapy of the pelvic floor
II. Internal Clinic – Echocardiography | Cardiology clinic | Arrhythmology clinic Vascular outpatient clinic
Clinic of NephrologyNephrological ambulanceRheumatology clinic
3rd Floor

Clinic of Dermatovenerology – Ambulance of General DermatologyPediatric dermatology clinic | Ambulance for occupational skin diseases and dermatological allergologyVascular ambulance (phlebology and lymphology)Mycological outpatient clinic and mycological samplingCenter for the diagnosis and treatment of skin tumors

I. internal clinic – Hematology outpatient clinic
2nd Floor Department of OncologyOncology clinic and day care center
1st Floor 1st Internal Clinic – Hematology outpatient clinic | Day Care Center
Ground Floor Collection center
Public Pharmacy
Radiodiagnostic Clinic – Breast Disease Diagnostic Center V. Polak
Building C2 (B) - main entrance from Charles Square



Building C1 (A) - Center

5th Floor Dental Clinic
4th Floor Institute of Clinical Immunology and Allergology – Ambulance | COVID-19 vaccination
I. Clinic of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases – Ambulance
Clinic of Neurology – Ambulance | Center for Demyelinating Disease (RS Center)
3rd Floor
 II. internal clinic - Center for heart failure
Department of Oncology – Lymphological ambulance | Genetic clinic
2nd Floor
1st Surgical ClinicGeneral surgery outpatient clinic | Mammology clinic | Koloproktologická ambulance | Orthopedic clinic | Plastic surgery clinic | Stomická poradna | Ambulance wound healing | Operating theaters
Clinic of Rehabilitation MedicineAmbulance 
Gynecological clinic
1st Floor
IV. Internal Clinic – Ambulance gastroenterology - endoscopy | Ambulance gastroenterology - endosonography
Department of Palliative MedicineAmbulance
Ground Floor
Public Pharmacy
Outpatient Clinical Pharmacology - drug counseling for doctors and for patients
Cash register | Registrar
Building C1 (A) - Center



Building C1 (A) - rear

5th Floor Dental Clinic – Ambulance and clinic for implantology | Racing doctor | Ambulance parodontology | Ambulance mucosa
4th Floor Primary Care Center/UA POINT
Dental ClinicDental surgery | Dental hygiene
III. Internal Clinic – Center for Tobacco Addicts | Clinical psychology
3rd Floor Institute of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics – Collection center | Clinical Biochemistry Outpatient Clinic | Ambulance parenteral and enteral nutrition | Thrombotic center - ambulance
2nd Floor
KARIM - Center for Pain Management | Canal center
1st Internal ClinicTrepanobioptical care center
III. Internal Clinic – Center of Preventive Cardiology | Ambulance for metabolic skeletal diseases and calcium metabolism disorders
Neurological outpatient clinic
1st Floor IV. Internal ClinicAmbulance gastroenterology | Ambulance gastroenterology - coloscopy | Ambulance gastroenterology - sonographyAmbulance gastroenterology - manometry
III. Internal Clinic – Diabetological outpatient clinic | Endocrinological outpatient clinic | Obesitology | Ambulance for metabolic skeletal diseases and calcium metabolism disordersAmbulance for obesity, diabetes and metabolic diseases
Ground Floor Radiodiagnostic ClinicRDG Department
Institute of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics - Immunological laboratory (courtyard entrance)
Buffet - snacks
Building C1 (A) - rear

Opening hours of the box office and mail room at the Faculty Hospital

Checkout FP - Building C1 center, ground floor
Monday - Thursday 08:00 – 12:30, 13:00 – 15:00
Friday 08:00 – 12:30, 13:00 – 14:00
FP filing room - Building C1 center, ground floor
Monday - Friday 08:00 – 11:30








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