Information for patients
DRUGS ARE NOT CANDY or drug counseling
The drug counseling service is offered by the department of clinical pharmacology and pharmacy of the VFN to all outpatients who need to consult on the use of a large number of drugs and their interaction with each other. At the same time, doctors from this department always assess the effect of a given combination of drugs on the overall health of the patient.
You know that…
- …some medications can interact with each other?
- …the use of certain medicines may be the cause of your difficulties?
- …are there rules on how to take medication correctly with regard to time of day, food and drinks?
- …do some dietary supplements, alternative medicine preparations, herbs and over-the-counter medicines affect the effectiveness of prescribed drugs?
Don't forget to bring a list of all medications and food supplements you are taking, medical reports from the latest examinations and any request from your doctor, if you have one, with you to the consultation.
Use for ordering consultation ONLINE form, e-mail or phone.
Office hours:
MONDAY - FRIDAY | 08:00 - 12:00 hours, 13:00 - 16:00 hours
Outpatient Clinical Pharmacology (Faculty Polyclinic, ground floor of building A) Karlovo nám. 32, 128 08 Prague 2
phone: +420 224 966 671
e-mail: lekove.poradenstvi@vfn.cz