Clinic of Geriatrics and Internal Medicine
Workplace characteristics
Notice: From 2 October 2024, visits to the Clinic of Geriatrics and Internal Medicine are only possible with an FFP-2 respirator.
The Geriatric Clinic is one of the youngest clinics of the General Faculty Hospital and the First Faculty of Medicine. It was established on 1 October 2000. Currently, the clinic provides acute inpatient geriatric care for a wide range of elderly diseases with an emphasis on geriatric patients (over 65 years of age). However, the average age of hospitalized patients is more than 83 years, and in addition to the acute health problem, we address the situation comprehensively, including rehabilitation care. We also propose solutions to the social situation in cooperation with the patient and his loved ones.
From January 1, 2015, the clinic has beds of early rehabilitation of the stroke center, which are intended for patients regardless of age, primarily after a stroke. A multidisciplinary team of therapists (physician, psychologist, speech therapist, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, social worker, nurse) is working here. Therapy is focused on physical, psychological (cognitive and emotional) problems, speech and swallowing problems. We focus on improving patients' self-sufficiency and returning them to the home and normal activities. We work primarily with patients early after a stroke or other brain impairment, and stay on average 3-6 weeks. We cooperate with the Clinic of Rehabilitation Medicine of the General Teaching Hospital, where it is possible to continue outpatient rehabilitation or to attend a day care center in indicated cases.
In the geriatric clinic, we also have 54 acute geriatric beds (a total of 3 departments) and 20 beds for the above-mentioned early rehabilitation (1 station). Therefore, we only have acute care beds, i.e. we do not provide long-term nursing care.
Frequent diagnoses are cardiovascular disease, diabetes and its complications, infectious diseases, acute health problems in patients with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia, after-treatment and early rehabilitation after orthopedic and surgical procedures, early rehabilitation of stroke patients. We work closely with a number of VFN clinics, especially internal, surgical and neurological clinics and other workplaces. We also offer bedside diagnostic stays for patients who do not have an outpatient examination for the terrain and community care. The outpatient department serves primarily as an income ambulance, but we also focus on the diagnosis of memory disorders, the healing of chronic wounds and screening of geriatric health risks.
Contact information
Šermířská 1921/4, 169 00 Prague 6 - Strahov
+420 225 003 111 (switchboard)
+420 225 003 206