Follow-up treatment

Follow-up treatment group for men

This is a supportive, open psychotherapeutic group for abstinent people after completing treatment and patients a month before completing treatment in the men's inpatient ward. Regular participation is not required, a breath test or toxicology examination is performed before the group.

Who: men, 18+, abstinent users of alcohol and other addictive substances after proper completion of regimen treatment or during long-term abstinence (min. 1 year) with documentation of abstinence.

When: each Tuesday outside holidays, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM. Must arrive at 4:45 PM due to breathalyzer test!

Where: wait in the ALKO ambulance waiting room.

Entering the program: Patients who have not been in contact with KAD (do not have a card here) must arrange an initial examination with an addiction specialist and provide a discharge report from addiction treatment.

The group will guide you: Mgr. Hana Slopovská, Mgr. Jan Liďák.

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