Clinic of addictology

Information for future inpatients

Detoxification unit mode Departments of Addictology of General Teaching Hospital Yippee non - smoking. For patients hospitalized in this unit, fully reimbursed nicotine treatment / patches, chewing gums / and therapeutic support focused on educational-motivational activities are prepared.

Information to be received on the detoxification unit

What is needed:
  • a valid identity document (ID card, passport) and an insured person's card (possibly a replacement document, birth certificate is not accepted)
  • brought own medicines must be kept in the original packaging and with a visible expiration date
  • patients with methadone substitution programs must have a report on the current dose of methadone
  • bring a record of the last check in an outpatient specialist for somatic disease or a discharge report from the last hospitalization
  • basic hygiene items, alcohol-free cosmetics, home clothes (sweatpants, leggings, t-shirts, sweatshirts, socks, underwear), pyjamas, slippers, towel, drinking bottle
  • you can carry a mobile phone, an electronic book reader with a charger, headphones and a laptop - the patient is responsible for electronics
What not to wear:
  • valuables, credit cards
  • cash, max. 1000, - CZK, can be stored in the vault of the department
What is forbidden to introduce on a detoxification unit:
  • addictive substances incl. cigarettes and smoking accessories
  • weapons, ammunition
  • food, drinks

On detoxification unit can be ordered by phone number +420 725 736 177 - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Ordered patients must arrive at the clinic's admissions office between 8:30 - 9:30 throw.

Information for future patients - Wards

What we offer?

  • voluntary short- and medium-term institutional addiction treatment for adult patients, which is a combination of pharmacological, psychotherapeutic and regimen treatment.
  • 3 different treatment options – detoxification care, short stabilization and motivational stay for 4 weeks, full therapeutic program for 8 weeks
  • a treatment plan tailored to the needs and possibilities of the patient with the possibility of individualizing treatment care
  • addiction treatment combined with another psychological disorder
  • a treatment program that will be guided by multidisciplinary teams in a safe and motivating environment of a top specialized institution with a tradition
  • possibility to issue a certificate of temporary incapacity for work - PN for the duration of the treatment
  • Substitution and psychotherapeutic support is provided for interested parties who decide not to smoke tobacco 

How to order with us?

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., by phone 725 736 177

What do you need to arrange before starting the treatment?

  • forwarding of mail to the address: Apolinářská 447/4, Praha 2, 128 00
  • sufficient financial amount and financial matters (minimum 500, - for admission within cultural outings, public transport tickets, etc.)
  • matters at the authorities: registration at the Ú, material emergency, proof of health insurance, OP...
  • necessary treatments: e.g. dentist, specialist doctor (diabetologist, cardiologist, etc.)
  • a medical report if you are being treated for a more serious illness or are taking long-term medication
  • if you are registered at the ÚP, announce the date of planned admission before starting.

Basic rules in treatment:

  • not to use or bring into the clinic premises any weapons, ammunition or addictive substances (with the exception of tobacco cigarettes and coffee, but in compliance with department rules)
  • any aggressive behavior is inadmissible
  • the use of mobile phones and other electronics is governed by the hospital's internal rules and Sec.
  • the applicant for treatment should be physically and mentally able to participate in the treatment - if this is not possible, he is either not accepted or his treatment is interrupted
  • it is not possible to use loose tea in the ward
  • we do not recommend carrying large amounts of money and valuable items

Inform your loved ones about the following facts:

  • telephone information is only possible on the basis of a pre-agreed password
  • bringing personal belongings by family members to the ward is only possible at the time of visits (pac. must have an application approved by the therapeutic team for the content of the brought belongings)
  • postal services, even in the case of parcel shipments, can be sent according to the rules of sec.

Necessary equipment:

  • ID card, health insurance card, A4 lined notebook, stationery
  • Personal underwear, work clothes, work gloves and shoes, sports clothes and shoes, walking clothes and shoes, shoes for changing shoes, night clothes, basic toiletries, including shaving. Cosmetic preparations only alcohol-free. Medicines you take regularly. Stamps, envelopes and cash for personal use at your discretion.

Contact: Department of Addiction, 1st Faculty of Medicine, University of Applied Sciences, Apolinářská 4, 128 00, Prague 2

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