Department of Pediatrics and Inherited Metabolic Disorders
Workplace characteristics
With effect from 1 July 2020, the Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine changed its name to the Department of Pediatrics and Inherited Metabolic Disorders (KPDPM).
The Department of Pediatrics and Inherited Metabolic Disorders of the First Medical Faculty of Charles University and the General University Hospital provides outpatient, institutional diagnostic and therapeutic care in the field of pediatrics and its specializations, neonatology and adolescent medicine, including transport services for critically ill children. In the case of long-term patients, which cannot be referred to the care of internal medicine (hereditary metabolic disorders and some other narrow specializations), she also cares for patients older than 19 years. It provides highly specialized neonatological care for the Central Bohemian Region, nationwide care in the field of hereditary metabolic disorders and provides population-wide neonatal screening for hereditary metabolic disorders.
Almost half of the patients are outside Prague, these patients are admitted to the clinic at the request of general practitioners for children and adolescents, outpatient specialists or inpatient children's wards. The mandatory catchment area of KPDPM is the area of Prague 1, 2 and 4. Most smaller children are admitted to hospital with an escort.
Highlighted areas of KPDPM are pediatric and neonatal intensive care and resuscitation unit (JIRP), including the possibility of providing unconventional methods of artificial lung ventilation and hemoelimination methods, diagnostics and therapy in the field of hereditary metabolic disorders, another priority is specialization in care of children with rheumatic and autoinflammatory diseases. Equally important is the care of children with connective tissue and skeletal disorders, diseases of the digestive tract, including eating disorders, diagnosis and therapy of congenital uropathies (in cooperation with the Department of Urology, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and General Hospital). In April 2011, a new outpatient facility was opened within KPDPM - the Center for Comprehensive Care for Children with Perinatal Load.
The Department of Pediatrics and Hereditary Metabolic Disorders also includes the Diagnostic Laboratory of Hereditary Metabolic Disorders (formerly the ÚDMP). Diagnostic laboratories of DPM (inherited metabolic disorders) carry out specialized laboratory examinations for the diagnosis and monitoring of patients in the field of biochemical genetics and related fields, screening of hereditary metabolic disorders in newborns born in cooperating maternity hospitals, and provide a continuous emergency service for selected statistical examinations, including medical consultation activities. The basis of the activity is the laboratory diagnosis of several hundred DPM at different levels (metabolite, enzyme/protein, tissue/cell, gene) in the biochemical/metabolic, enzymological, histochemical and molecular genetic laboratory. Around 3,000 new patients with suspected DPM are examined annually at the workplace, and the diagnosis is confirmed in approximately 100 patients per year.
Teaching takes place at KPDPM within the 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, more information is available on the official website of the 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University.
Contact information
Ke Karlovu 455/2, 128 08 Praha 2, Areal DAK (Children's areal Karlov)
+420 224 967 777 (24 hours a day)
+420 224 967 732 (secretariat of the clinical part)
+420 224 967 710 (laboratories, results - daily 8-9, 14-15h)
+420 224 967 734 (head office)
+420 224 967 707 | 224 967 727 (laboratories, material reception)
+420 224 967 737 (Secretariat of the Prime Minister)
+420 224 911 453