Department of Palliative Medicine
endowment fund
Foundation fund of the Clinic of Palliative Medicine was established at the 1st Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University and the General University Hospital in Prague in order to help create a stable background for the long-term development of the Clinic's activities as a center of excellence in the field of hospital palliative care by connecting experts and donors and to support the provision and development of palliative medicine in the Czech Republic. More information can be found at Foundation fund of the Clinic of Palliative Medicine (
Name: Foundation fund of the Clinic of Palliative Medicine
Legal form: endowment fund
Reg: 11787503
Seat of the Endowment Fund
U Nemocnice 499/2
128 00 Prague 2
Bank account
Československá obchodní banka, a.s
account number: 300228445/0300
IBAN CZ07 0300 0000 0003 0022 8445
Fund management
Bc. Olga Balkova
Management Board
Chairman of the Board of Directors:
doc. MUDr. MgA. Katerina Rusinova, Ph.D.
board members:
Ing. Jitka Ružičová, MBA
Lenka Bartizalova
Supervisory Board
members of the supervisory board:
Mgr. Josef Lukasek
Karel Valo
Ing. Teresa Fussgänger