Department of Occupational Medicine
Workplace characteristics
The clinic provides occupational medical services for employees of contracted enterprises and institutions; assessing and evaluating the clinical status of chronically monitored patients with occupational diseases, reporting medically justified diseases in medically justified cases. In addition, he deals with scientific work within grants and also teaches medical students of Occupational Diseases, Occupational Medicine and Toxicology and is accredited for postgraduate education in Occupational Medicine.
Medical activities performed
- Diagnosis, assessment and reporting of occupational diseases and threats of occupational diseases, based on the decision of the Ministry of Health, the Department of Occupational Medicine VFN and 1.LF UK received a permit to recognize occupational diseases or threats of occupational diseases for the whole CENTRAL BOHEMIA Beroun, Kladno, Kolín, Kutná Hora, Mělník, Mladá Boleslav, Nymburk, Prague-East, Prague-West, Příbram, Rakovník) and ÚSTÍ REGION (districts: Děčín, Chomutov, Litoměřice, Louny, Most, Teplice, Ústí nad Labem) .
- Dispensarization of persons with reported occupational disease and endangering occupational diseases and assessing their health status for compensation purposes (occupational disease centers).
- Providing toxicological information for acute intoxications for healthcare facilities and the general public in a continuous regime at the Clinic's Toxicological Information Center.
- Examination in laboratory for diagnosis of professional bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis.
An integral part of the clinic is the Center for Occupational Medicine, whose activities are focused on providing occupational medical services to the extent required by applicable legal regulations in accordance with the Convention on Occupational Health Services of ILO No. 161 (Decree No. 145/1988 Coll.). The Laboratory of Functional Lung Examination in the Occupational Medicine Clinic in 2011 examined a total of 1275 persons. The laboratory investigates: resting and spirometry (flow-to-volume curve), bodypletysmography, DLCO (CO transferfactor), pulse oscillometry, active anterior rhinomanometry, acoustic acoustic rhinometry, bronchodilator tests, non-specific and substance-specific bronchial tests when suspected occupational disease. It performs exhaled air condensate collection and NO examination in exhaled air. The Toxicology Laboratory of the Occupational Medicine Clinic provides a number of laboratory examinations in the field of industrial toxicology including BET.
Contact information
Na Bojišti 1, 120 00 Prague 2
+420 224 964 537 (secretariat)
+420 | 224 919 293 | 224 915 402 (Toxicological IS)
+420 224 964 512 (file)