Beds of early stroke rehabilitation

Medical care, therapy

Early NEUROREHABILITATION - The goal is to promote spontaneous healing, prevent early and late complications, intensify recovery and remaining brain plasticity.

Neurorehabilitation Principles:

Principle of integrity - the basis for therapy in rehabilitation is not a diagnosis, but an accurate analysis of the functional deficits and abilities of the patient

The principle of timeliness and longevity - Rehabilitation begins in the acute phase of hospitalization.

The principle of teamwork - multidisciplinarity - because of the complexity of functions that are disturbed in central nervous system disease, the interaction of therapists of different qualifications and the use of specialized complex therapeutic concepts is necessary.

Early rehabilitation requires 4-6 hours of targeted rehabilitation and nursing care every day - in this case, activating care, of which 3-4 hours is functional therapy, where all therapists with different specialization work together (it is also advisable to schedule visits to the department , as therapies run until 4:00 pm).

Medical care, chief therapist






Nutritional Therapy

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