Radiodiagnostic Clinic

Information on MR for patients

Magnetic resonance (MR) is an examination of varioush areas of the human body that use a strong magnetic field.

Security MR

If you wear any electronic or metal implant or foreign body, you must report this fact to the MR machine operator when ordering and before the MR examination, which will make a qualified decision as to whether you can undergo the examination.

You cannot undergo magnetic resonance imaging if you have an MR incompatible pacemaker, a metallic shrapnel in the eye, or a vascular clamp intracranially from an unknown material.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

if you are pregnantis necessary about this fact inform the operator of the MR device. MR examinations are not performed in the 1st trimester. If you are breastfeeding and your examination requires the application of a contrast agent, it is not necessary to interrupt breastfeeding.

Claustrophobia – fear of closed spaces

A number of patients who suffer from claustrophobia are still able to undergo the examination. The patient lies in the opening of the device, which is 70 cm wide, is open on both sides and, if necessary, can end the examination at any time by pressing a button. To increase comfort, your doctor can prescribe sedatives and you will agree to take them before the actual examination. In the case of severe claustrophobia, it is possible to perform most MR examinations under general anesthesia under the supervision of a doctor - an anesthesiologist. Your attending physician decides on the examination under general anesthesia based on an agreement with the VFN clinical workplace.

Preparation for MR examination

No special preparation is required for most of the examined areas on magnetic resonance imaging. And that's not even before the possible intravenous application of a contrast agent.

They can cause a significant problem metal objects in pockets or on the body included jewelry and then synthetic substances from which clothes are made. We recommend that you wear your best clothes for the MR examination Cotton T-Shirt, ladies bra without metal hooks. Leave the jewelry at home, possibly you put them away in a lockable cabinet.

If you take medication, take it at the usual time.

MR examination of the pelvis (gynecological MR, rectal MR)

Come to the examination on an empty stomach (you can only drink). Before the examination, a substance that calms the bowel movement (Buscopan) is given, after which you may have temporary blurred vision, and therefore you cannot drive a car after the examination until normal vision is restored.

MR enterography - examination of the small intestine

Do not eat from midnight on the day of the examination. Drink only clear still liquids in small quantities. Take it with you to the MR examination bring 1.5 liters of still water, into which the MR attendant will mix Mannitol – a substance that keeps water in the small intestine. You will drink the solution within half an hour before the examination. Because water is not absorbed, most patients have loose stools the day after the examination. But the diarrhea will stop on its own. Before the examination, patients are given a substance that calms the movement of the bowels (Buscopan), after which you may have temporary blurred vision, and therefore you cannot drive a car after the examination until normal vision is restored.

MR of the abdominal cavity (examination of the liver, kidneys, bile ducts, pancreas)

Before this examination, it is sufficient to not eat for 5 hours and not to drink for 2 hours.

You will arrive at the MR examination 15 minutes before the indicated examination time, you will be informed by us for the examination.

Where the examination is done
  • Department of magnetic resonance at the central workplace (MR central), main campus of VFN (U Nemocnice 499/2), building A8 (building I. surgical clinic), second basement.
  • Department of Magnetic Resonance at the Neurological Clinic, VFN Neurological Clinic building (Kateřinská 30), ground floor.
What is the course of the examination
  • Upon arrival at the MR workplace, you will be informed of the risks, contraindications and the course of the examination, and you will fill in the informed consent. If there are any ambiguities or questions on your part, please tell the staff before the examination itself.
  • After the MR employee invites you to the examination, you will be led into a booth where you will put away your clothes (depending on the examination, you will keep your T-shirt, underwear), jewelry and personal belongings, which will remain locked in this booth for the duration of the examination.
  • The examination is performed lying down on the examination table, which moves into the circular examination tunnel of the device. The space is not closed. You must not move during the examination. 
  • During the examination, there may be an unpleasant rhythmic noise that the device emits during the examination (wear headphones to protect your hearing).
  • For your safety, you will have a signaling button in your hand throughout the examination, which can be used to call the operator. During the examination, the staff checks you from the control room and with the help of cameras.
  • The duration of the examination depends on the area that needs to be visualized. Most often it takes approximately 20-30 minutes, in exceptional cases up to 60 minutes. All the time it is necessary to lie still and avoid any movements. Restlessness during the examination impairs the quality of the image.
Examination with the administration of a contrast agent

Most examinations are done without the use of a contrast medium in a vein. The necessity of applying contrast media is decided by the doctor at the workplace. Magnetic resonance contrast media are relatively safe, and adverse reactions are rare. If they occur, they manifest themselves as nausea, vomiting, and headedness. The allergic reaction is also quite exceptional. Nevertheless, notify your MR staff of your proven allergies.

After examination
  • There are no restrictions after most examinations
  • If we give you a substance to calm the bowels, you will not be able to drive a car after the examination until normal vision is restored (the substance can cause temporary blurring of vision).
  • If any complications occur after the administration of the contrast agent (nausea, dizziness, weakness), inform the MR staff about this condition.

The patient will only be examined by magnetic resonance based on a duly completed application form.

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