Clinic of Urology
Workplace characteristics
The VFN Urology Clinic is a comprehensive treatment, teaching and scientific workplace in the field of urology and pediatric urology and a Center for highly specialized oncourological care. It provides undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in the field of urology, pediatric urology and oncourology. The teaching is also aimed at bachelor and master students. Within Europe, the VFN Urology Clinic has accreditation for teaching resident programs FEBU (Fellow of European Board of Urology) and as the only one in the Czech Republic for FEAPU (Fellow of the European Academy of Pediatric Urology).
The main focus of the clinic is comprehensive urological care - both operative and outpatient - including interdisciplinary oncology therapy.
The most modern procedures are used in the surgical treatment of urological diseases. We use the holmium laser to treat all types of urinary stones and for laser surgery for prostate enlargement. Oncosurgical and reconstructive procedures are increasingly performed minimally invasively, currently mostly robotically. We also use robotic operations in the treatment of pediatric patients.
The department of pediatric urology is the largest in the Czech Republic. He deals with the entire range of pediatric urological diseases, lower urinary tract dysfunctions, including the treatment of congenital developmental defects of the genitourinary system.
The clinic also deals with the diagnosis and treatment of the so-called neurogenic urination disorders, erectile dysfunction and urinary incontinence (including the application of so-called suspension straps in women, an artificial urethral sphincter and ARGUS straps for urinary incontinence in men).
The clinic of urology is also an internationally recognized workplace for conducting clinical studies, in cooperation with other workplaces it solves a number of grant projects and scientific plans.
Contact information
Ke Karlovu 6, 128 08 Prague 2
+420 | +420 224 967 873 (Section A), +420 | 224 967 866 (Section B)
+420 | 224 967 829 (ordering - file cabinet)
+420 | +420 224 967 859 (Section D), +420 | 224 967 884
+420 | 224 967 874 (children's amb. - ordering)
+420 224 967 848 (Head of Secretariat)
+420 | 224 967 018 (children's ambulance)
+420 224 967 847 (clinic secretariat)
+420 | 224 967 828 (acute ambulance - information)
+420 224 967 102