Institute of Clinical Immunology and Allergology

Workplace characteristics

Clinical outpatient clinics provide comprehensive allergological and immunological care at the level of specialized outpatient clinics of a university hospital (prevention, diagnostics, dispensary, therapy), including consulting services for VFN workplaces, depending on available capacities, within Prague and the entire Czech Republic.

In the workplace, patients with immunodeficiency, clinically serious autoimmune diseases, allergic diseases including bronchial asthma are concentrated. Bronchodilation tests can be performed at the workplace.

All comprehensive activities are based on laboratory immunological and allergological examinations performed by the laboratory, which forms a separate unit within the Institute of Immunology and Allergology of the General Hospital.

The department participates in undergraduate teaching of immunology and allergology within the medical and non-medical study fields of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University. Postgraduate teaching is also conducted at OKIA. Employees work as trainers or specialist trainers in doctoral study programs, such as Human Physiology and Pathophysiology and Immunology. The department is an accredited training center of the II type for doctors preparing for certification in Allergology and Clinical Immunology.

Contact information

  • adresa Karlovo nám. 32, 128 08 Praha 2 (Faculty polyclinic, building A, 4th floor)
  • telefon +420 224 966 264 (secretariat)
  • email
Prof. RNDr. Jiří Hrdý, Ph.D.
Head of Clinic
telefon+420 224 968 473
MUDr. Zuzana Humlova, Ph.D.
Head of Department
telefon+420 224 966 266
Vladimíra Buchlová
Station Nurse
telefon+420 224 966 219
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