Institute of Clinical Immunology and Allergology

Information for patients

Ordering patients to individual outpatient clinics is possible in person or by phone on the recommendation of a practitioner or specialist. If a patient visits another workplace of allergology or immunology, we ask for immediate information.

Before an immunological and allergic examination at a specialized faculty site, arrange a basic internal examination through your dispatching or general practitioner. This examination is necessary to exclude other internal causes of your complaints.

List of necessary laboratory and other examinations:

  • sedimentation FW
  • blood count including differential leukocyte distribution
  • basic biochemistry (ions, urea, creatinine, uric acid, liver tests, blood glucose, CRP)
  • urine chemically, sediment
  • X-ray of heart and lungs - depending on the type of difficulty (with dyspnoea, cough, etc.)
  • to exclude suspected thyroid disease in fatigue conditions (fT4, TSH, anti-TPO, anti-TG)
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