22. 10. 2021

Actresses Kubařová and Maximová presented children to the hospital

The Department of Pediatrics and Inherited Metabolic Disorders of the General Hospital in Karlov was visited by actresses Veronika Khek Kubařová and Elizaveta Maximová, who brought stuffed animals and Advent calendars to hospitalized children. And they themselves remembered the Christmas of their childhood.

As part of the presentation of the romantic Christmas film Wishes to Santa by director Marta Ferencová, who is coming to cinemas in November, theater and film actress Elizaveta Maximová confided that as a child she discovered a wardrobe in her childhood, in which her mother hid Christmas presents but managed to pretend to be surprised under the tree. so as not to spoil the parents' joy. Today, she sees Christmas more as an opportunity to meet her family, and the biggest gift for her is when everyone is healthy and together.

Actress Veronika Khek Kubařová also remembered the Christmas surprise. „PI come from Rakovník and as a child I went with my grandmother to Prague and we went to the Kotva department store on the escalator, it was an exotic experience for me. In Kotva, they had a large toy department, where I once liked a huge stuffed monkey, but my grandmother explained to me that it was too expensive. And then I got the monkey under the tree! ”

The actresses confided their admiration for the work of paramedics, especially in the last difficult time. "My grandmother was the head of the pediatric ward and I often went to work with her, I spent a lot of time there, I played with the children, so I especially feel at home in the hospital and in pediatrics," said Elizaveta Maximová and put it right: "At the same time, I have great respect for white coats and I really appreciate the work of paramedics."


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