8. 8. 2024
Target course: Targeted therapy in tumor treatment
The course intended for general nurses at oncology and hemato-oncology departments is organized by VFN in cooperation with EONS and ČAS on November 4-5, 2024.
Participants of the event, which is guaranteed by the oncology section of the Czech Nurses Association, will learn a lot of information, for example, about targeted therapies in tumor treatment, about tumor biology, about the preparation and administration of targeted treatment and its side effects, how to provide supportive care to patients undergoing targeted treatment and a lot of other information and skills for your next job. You can find the detailed program, course location and other information, including the registration application form here.
30. 1. 2025HOLY MASS IN THE CHAPEL OF THE HOLY CROSS AT APOLINAŘ On Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at 3 p.m., a mass will be held in the hospital chapel of the Clinic of Gynecology, Obstetrics and ...
15. 1. 2025The one-day occupational therapy conference offers lectures by Czech and foreign occupational therapists, and interested parties will learn interesting facts about the beginnings of occupational therapy studies.