16. 12. 2024

Venous accesses in practice

Venous accesses have become a necessary standard both in intensive care and in providing for the patient's long-term needs, and they can make life easier for patients in a variety of situations. Take advantage of the opportunity to gain experience from the doctors of one of the largest Cannulation Centers in the Czech Republic and the doctors of the Metabolic Unit IV. internal VFN clinics and sign up for one of the courses that will be held in November and December 2024.

The course will focus on:

  • medium and long term venous access; indication, selection of a suitable input;
  • education and preparation of the patient before the cannulation procedure;
  • permanent venous access in patients with parenteral nutrition;
  • early and late complications of permanent venous access;
  • nursing care of permanent venous accesses in practice;
  • venous puncture training under ultrasound control on phantoms;
  • anatomy of the venous system and ultrasound navigation;
  • venous access fixation, venous access manipulation and nursing procedures.

Date and location of the course for DOCTORS: April 24 2025, Hoder's Hall, KARIM, entrance A6, General Faculty Hospital in Prague, U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Nové Město, Prague 2.
Course price is CZK 1,800, the participation of a VFN employee in Prague is CZK 800.

Date and place of the course for NURSES: March 20, 2025, Hoder's Hall, KARIM, entrance A6, General Faculty Hospital in Prague, U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Nové Město, Prague 2.
Course price is CZK 1,500, the co-payment of a VFN employee in Prague is CZK 500.

Date and place of the course for NURSES: May 22, 2025, Hoder's Hall, KARIM, entrance A6, General Faculty Hospital in Prague, U Nemocnice 499/2, 128 08 Nové Město, Prague 2.
Course price is CZK 1,500, the co-payment of a VFN employee in Prague is CZK 500.

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