24. 9. 2024

Help for families with seriously ill children

Every year, 100,000 families in the Czech Republic have to deal with some type of oncological disease. And often these are pediatric patients. The staff of the Ronald McDonald House Foundation are dedicated to caring for families in such challenging life situations, who are organizing the third annual Family Centered Care professional conference on October 1, 2024 from 10 a.m. in Kaiserštejnské palác (Malostranské náměstí 23/37, Prague 1). Experts from the fields of medicine, psychology, public and non-profit sectors, who in their work or personal life encounter caring for young patients and their families, will speak at the event. They will also be joined by parents with direct experience of caring for a seriously ill child.

You can find the program for this year here. Not only doctors, nurses, social workers, psychologists, but also people who find themselves in a similar situation can register. You can find the registration here. For inspiration and an insight into the atmosphere of a unique conference focused on family care, you can view at lecture notes.

The Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic took over the patronage of the conference and the Commissioner for Human Rights Mgr. Klára Simáčková Laurenčíková.

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