17. 4. 2023

Rehabilitation in the context of the development of medicine

The Clinic of Rehabilitation Medicine of the VFN and the 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, is organizing an international conference on April 20, 2023.

International conference organized by the number of prof. MD Jan Pfeiffer, DrSc. and prof. MD Olga Švestková, Ph.D. (13th Pfeiffer Days) takes place in the large auditorium in the building of the Rehabilitation Medicine Clinic of the VFN and the 1st Faculty of Medicine, Albertov 7, Prague 2. The event was sponsored by the director of the VFN, prof. MD David Feltl, Ph.D., MBA, and dean of the 1st Faculty of Economics, UK, prof. MD Martin Vokurka, CSc.
The lectures, which are devoted to, for example, music therapy in rehabilitation, the development and future of the combination of addiction and rehabilitation, virtual reality in the rehabilitation of cognitive functions, or the experiences of physiotherapists from foreign MEDEVAC missions, were given by leading Czech and foreign experts. The expert guarantor of the educational event is the head of the Clinic of Rehabilitation Medicine VFN and the 1st Faculty of Medicine of the UK doc. MD Yvona Angerová, Ph.D., MBA.

The presence of participants will take place from 8 o'clock.



PRESENCE – 1st floor


9.00 - 9.15





Prof. Levent Özçakar, MD, Hacettepe

University Medical School, Ankara, Turkey

Ultrasound eXamination: the X factor in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine



Prof. RNDr. Jan Krejsek, CSc.

Head of Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology, Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Hradec Králové, FN Hradec Králové

Microbes and man, against or rather together?






Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Wolfgang Mastnak, Ph.D.,

University of Munich

Music therapy in rehabilitation


Prof. PhDr. Michal Miovský, Ph.D.

The priority of the Clinic of Addiction 1st Faculty of Medicine, UK

Mgr. Lenka Stastna, Ph.D.

M.Sc. Jaroslav Šejvl, Ph.D.

M.Sc. Kateřina Svěcená, Ph.D.

Clinic of Addiction 1st Faculty of Medicine, UK

Addiction and rehabilitation:

history, development, future


M.Sc. Zdenek Čech

Clinic of Rehabilitation and Physical Education Medicine 2nd Faculty of Medicine, UK and FN Motol, Prague

Neurophysiological significance of fascial dysfunctions



Prim. MD Martina Kövári, MHA

Head of the Rehabilitation and Physical Education Clinic of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine of the UK and Motol FN, Prague

Pelvic floor in the context of rehabilitation

12.35 – 12.45



12.45 – 1.45 p.m




Doc. PhDr. Tomáš Nikolai, Ph.D.

Head of the Department of Psychology FF UK

Department of Neurology VFN and 1st Faculty of Medicine UK Prague

Cognitive rehabilitation in neurodegenerative diseases

14.05–14. 25

M.Sc. et Mgr. Iveta Fajnerová, Ph.D.

Head of the NUDZ research center

Virtual reality in the rehabilitation of cognitive functions


MD Jana Zárubová

Neurologist MEDICON a.s

Vice-president of EpiStop

Department of Neurology, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, UK and FN Motol

Epilepsy and rehabilitation


MD Miroslav Zvolsky

Head of the Department of the National Center for Electronic Health Care, ÚZIS

Support and tools for using MKF in electronic health documentation


MD Simon Kozak

Doctor centers treatment pain KAR FNKV

Neurostimulation-facilitated neurorehabilitation of the lower limbs in a patient with a spinal cord injury


Mgr. Petra Nováková

Head physiotherapist KRL

  1. LF UK and VFN in Prague

Physiotherapist experience from foreign MEDEVAC missions


Bc. et B. Zuzana Rodová, MSc.

Occupational therapist KRL 1. LF UK and VFN in Prague

Foreign activities of occupational therapists


Discussion, conclusion


The educational event is accredited according to CLK status regulation No. 16

The professional guarantor of the event is doc. MD Yvona Angerová, Ph.D., MBA

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