10. 6. 2022

World Blood Donor Day at the General Hospital

On Tuesday, June 14, we will celebrate World Blood Donor Day. We cordially invite all regular donors and those who are still thinking about it to our Faculty Transfusion Department. We currently have an acute deficiency of blood groups O and A, Rh (D) negative and positive.

This year, as a thank you, we have prepared commemorative certificates, free coffee and cakes for all donors. All users of the Uber platform will be able to order a ride to the VFN for blood collection free of charge (only in Prague). In addition, they will receive discount codes for further rides as a thank you for the subscription.

Due to summer holidays, the number of donors is declining. On the contrary, the number of injuries and the associated greater need for blood is increasing. In car accidents and other major injuries, a person may urgently need hundreds of transfusion units, ie help from hundreds of donors.

Thank you for donating according to the motto of this year's World Blood Donor Day: "Be in solidarity, donate blood and save lives!"

All information on the conditions and course of blood donation can be found here.

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