World Kidney Day

The kidneys usually do not hurt, so many patients do not know about their disease and do not pay enough attention to the warning signs. These include high blood pressure, swelling of the lower limbs, great fatigue, weight loss or a change in the color and character of urination. Kidney disease mainly affects individuals who have other associated diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease or some genetic diseases. Risk factors for the development of kidney disease include smoking, low birth weight or, conversely, obesity in adulthood and some developmental defects in the urinary system. Chronic kidney disease leads to loss of kidney function for months to years and is in most cases progressive. To prevent terminal renal failure, including dialysis, and to slow progression, the disease must be detected early, diagnosed correctly, and then treated appropriately.
Therefore, do not neglect prevention and do not delay planned activities. Late initiation of treatment can have serious consequences for patients.
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