29. 11. 2024
Workshop: Hematology as collaboration

The main topic of the regional meeting was new procedures in the diagnosis and treatment of MDS/AML, lymphoproliferation and how to get to them. The workshop will deal with the possibilities of how to manage the complications of antitumor therapy, algorithms in the prophylaxis and therapy of thromboembolic disease, amyloidosis, MGUS or cytopenia.
The event takes place on April 8, 2025 in Prague, Grandium Hotel Prague, Politických vězňů 913/12, 110 00 Nové Město. The working languages of the conference are Czech and English.
For registration and further information, contact: MUDr. Eva Konířová, prof. MD Marek Trněny, CSc., Martina van Dijck-Heyl eva.konirova@vfn.cz, heyl@promcon.com
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