Psychiatric Clinic
Specialized Centers
Our center offers patients neurostimulation procedures such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), repetitive transcranial magnetic therapy (rTMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS).
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
It is an important treatment modality in psychiatry, which is still unsurpassed in its effectiveness, especially in the treatment of depression. The VFN neurostimulation center provides the most modern execution of ECT, including the possibility of outpatient applications.
If you are interested in EKT, contact our team at: ect@vfn.czInformation for outpatients undergoing ECT
Outpatient ECT application is possible after consultation with our team in Monday, Wednesday or Friday.
We will book you for a specific date. The frequency of applications depends on the severity of your symptoms and depends on the individual recommendation of our ECT specialists. If you are a new patient or are coming for treatment again after a longer period of time, it is necessary to complete an indication interview with a doctor of our ECT team at the clinic.
In order to undergo ECT in an outpatient setting, it is also necessary to undergo a pre-operative examination, most often by your general practitioner. The documentation and confirmation from this examination must be brought with you to the VFN Neurostimulation Center on the day of the ECT application. It is necessary to appear for the procedure in 7:00 in the morning (on an empty stomach) to the 2nd floor of the VFN Psychiatric Clinic. After the application of ECT, which is painless and performed under short-term general anesthesia, several hours of observation are necessary. You can count on leaving from between 12:00 and 1:00 p.m. if accompanied, 2:00 p.m. if leaving alone.
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS)
It is another modern biological treatment modality in psychiatry. The principle of rTMS is relatively simple and consists in the phenomenon of so-called electromagnetic induction – an electric current passes through the stimulation coil, which leads to the creation of a magnetic field, which subsequently affects brain activity. The main indications for rTMS treatment are depression and tinnitus.
rTMS is generally considered a well-tolerated treatment modality with a low incidence of serious side effects. It does not require special preparation, analgosedation or hospitalization, so patients can continue their normal activities after application.
Before the first application of rTMS, there is an initial interview with a psychiatrist who evaluates the anamnestic data from the patient and excludes the presence of possible contraindications. Contraindicated to rTMS are patients who are being treated for epilepsy, have a ferromagnetic implant/material in the skull or neck (clip or coil after an aneurysm, metal stents in the head and neck area, deep brain stimulation electrodes, or other metallic materials) and facial tattoos.
The first session, including the patient's initial interview, takes about 60 minutes, with other applications the length of the session depends on the protocol used. In the case of tinnitus stimulation, it is 30 minutes, in the case of depression, the length depends on the height of the motor threshold and the intensity of the stimulation, but usually a regular session lasts about 20 minutes. For effective treatment, it is necessary to undergo a total of 10 stimulations (every working day), i.e. treatment lasts a total of 2 weeks. Ordering is possible on the basis of a recommendation from a psychiatrist or, in the case of tinnitus, on the recommendation of an ENT specialist.
If you are interested in ordering, contact our team at: rtms@vfn.czTranscranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS)
If you are interested in the tDCS procedure, an individual agreement is required, contact our team at:
At the beginning of 2022, we opened the Crisis Care Center, which provides psychiatric, psychological and therapeutic assistance in stabilizing the crisis in a safe and supportive environment. Our multidisciplinary team offers short-term crisis stabilization care and support in such life situations that can no longer be managed on their own and need help with their constructive solution.
We offer outpatient consultations including:
- initial evaluation of the situation and mental state;
- provision of specialized support, if necessary, indication of other health services, including possible hospitalization;
- counseling, support and guidance in follow-up services;
- coordinating cooperation with other follow-up services that may be useful in resolving a particular crisis.
And also the telephone crisis line 605 851 658, providing psychosocial intervention - counseling, support and orientation in other services.
Who we are here for:
- for a person who shows or worsens the symptoms of a mental illness;
- for a person experiencing anxiety and depression, deals with suicidal thoughts;
- for a person who is dealing with partner, family and personal problems;
- for a person who is coping with the loss of a loved one;
- for a person who has been the victim of domestic violence or another crime,
- for all who are not able to solve the life situation.
Who are we not here for:
- for a person who is acutely intoxicated by alcohol or other psychotropic substances;
- for a person who has experienced such a deterioration in mental state that he is unable to cooperate and communicate;
- for a person who, due to the breakdown of mental functions, immediately endangers himself or his surroundings to health or life.
Contact information
Ke Karlovu 11, 128 08 Prague 2 (building D1, ground floor)
+420 605 851 658
telephone crisis line (for the time being from 8 am to 3 pm)
The children's and adolescent detoxification center (inpatient department and admission clinic) was opened on 1 January 2021.
Contact for information or ordering is: to admission, inclusion in the program prevents
- disorder of consciousness
- not swallowing a sip of water
- GCS below 12 points
- intoxication with an unknown substance with unstable vital functions
- alcohol intoxication - maximum 1.5 per mille
- conditions requiring intensive care (serious somatic complications, decompensation of chronic diseases, respiratory failure, status epilepticus, risk of metabolic disruption)
- severe decompensation of chronic mental illness
Contact information
Mental Health Support is a free-of-charge service provided by the medical faculty in order to consult, understand and solve students' mental, behavioral, and emotional problems and improve students' well-being. Our services include:
Individual intervention
- Crisis Intervention – first mental aid in case of trauma, emotional collapse, burnout, and/or any other state of acute unbearable mental suffering.
- Psychological support – one-session consultation, assessment of clients' condition, referral to medical/other professional consultation if necessary.
- Counseling – facing personal, academic, social, or adaptational problems.
- Counseling therapy – up to 10 sessions.
For who?
Foreign medical students of the First Faculty of Medicine Charles University, with or without local insurance.
Ambulance No. 6, Psychiatric clinic VFN, Ke Karlovu 11, Prague 2.
Every Wednesday 8:30AM through 4PM.
What do I need?
Student Card and Insurance Card (if any).
How to Register?
Visits are confidential and easy to arrange. To book an appointment simply contact us via: speaking Support Group for Medical Students
Open to: International medical students of the First Faculty of Medicine Charles University.
Meets: Mondays, 6:00PM – 7:30PM., in person.
Capacity is limited up to 10 participants. Registration in advance is requested.
Therapy room at ambulance no. 5, Psychiatric clinic VFN, Ke Karlovu 11, Prague 2.
Group facilitator: Linda Arbeli, at
Contacts and mapThe Interpersonal Group is a confidential group, designed to help students who are dealing with adaptation, anxiety or depressive moods, navigating major life transitions, or just trying to understand themselves and others more fully. The group leader serves as a moderator who will guide the group towards a focus on emotions and relating in the present moment.
Part of the meeting is focused on stress reduction techniques, based on mindfulness and self-acceptance.
Podpora duševního zdraví je bezplatná služba lékařské fakulty, která se zaměřuje na konzultaci, pochopení a řešení duševních, behaviorálních a emočních problémů a posílení kvality života studentů během studia medicíny. V rámci podpory nabízíme:
Individuální intervence
- Krizovou intervenci – první pomoc v situaci psychického traumatu, prožitku emočního kolapsu, vyhoření a dalších pocitů akutního psychického utrpení.
- Psychologické poradenství – jednorázová konzultace, zhodnocení stavu a situace klienta, doporučení vhodné strategie řešení, případně další odborné konzultace.
- Poradenství ve věcech osobních, akademických, adaptačních obtíží.
- Poradenskou psychoterapii do 10 setkání.
Pro koho?
Zahraniční studenti medicíny na 1. LF UK, bez ohledu na držení platného zdravotního pojištění.
Ambulance č. 6, Psychiatrická klinika VFN, Ke Karlovu 11, Praha 2.
Každou středu od 8:30 do 16:00.
Co potřebuji?
Studentskou kartu a kartu pojištěnce (pokud vlastníte).
Jak se objednat?
Návštěvy jsou důvěrné a jednoduché k objednání. Pro získání termínu nás kontaktujte na: studentssupport@vfn.czStudentská podpůrná skupina
Určená pro: zahraniční studenty medicíny 1. LF UK.
Pondělí od 18:00 do 19:30 hodin.
Kapacita skupiny je 10 participantů. Předběžná registrace je nutná.
Terapeutická místnost u ambulance č. 5, Psychiatrická klinika VFN, Ke Karlovu 11, Praha 2.
Facilitátor skupiny: Linda Arbeli, studentssupport@vfn.czStudentská podpůrná skupina je důvěrnou platformou, jejíž cílem je pomoci studentům, kteří se snaží vypořádat s adaptačními, emočními, úzkostnými a depresivními stavy, studentům procházejícími náročným životním obdobím, nebo studentům, kteří by se v sobě chtěli prostě víc vyznat. Facilitátor funguje jako moderátor, který bude provádět skupinu účastníky zvolenými tématy z oblasti emocí, zachycenými v daném momentu.
Část setkání je zaměřena na stres redukující techniky, které jsou založené na Mindfulness a sebepřijetí.